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Video recordings of API doc workshops

I’ve given numerous presentations and workshops on API documentation, and I’ve recorded most of them. The most recent recordings are available below.

Keep in mind that my API content evolves, so some older presentations might no longer match the course content. I recorded most of these videos during a full-day API documentation in Raleigh, North Carolina, on April 6, 2019. (For more details, see this blog post.) This recording closely aligns with the latest content and activities in this course. I divided this all-day workshop into five separate videos.

One-hour crash course

If you want a condensed version of videos 1-5, see this one-hour version that condenses much of the information from the other videos into one. I recorded this presentation at the STC Summit 2019 in Denver.

Most recent video (LA workshop)

I recorded part of a more recent API workshop held in Los Angeles here:

See the event details for more info.

Raleigh workshop recording

Video 1 (Raleigh workshop)

Video 2 (Raleigh workshop)

Video 3 (Raleigh workshop)

Video 4 (Raleigh workshop)

Video 5 (Raleigh workshop)

Audio only version

If you prefer audio only, you can listen here:

Video 1 of 5:

Video 2 of 5:

Video 3 of 5:

Video 4 of 5:

Video 5 of 5:

Want all the audio combined into one massive file? Here it is:

All audio combined:

More videos

If you’d like to see more videos, see the following:

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