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API doc presentation video recordings

The following are other video recordings for API-related presentations.

Intro to API docs

I gave this presentation to the STC Silicon Valley chapter. More details are here.

Docs as code tools and workflows

I gave this presentation to the WTD South Bay group. More details are here. This video covers the Publishing API docs section in this course.

I gave this presentation to STC/WTD Denver — more details are here. The video covers the Docs as code tools and Case study: Switching tools to docs-as-code topics.

OpenAPI and Swagger

I gave this presentation to the STC/WTD San Diego chapter. More details are here. This video covers the OpenAPI specification and Swagger section.

How to Add Swagger to your API

I gave this presentation as a TC Dojo webinar. More details are here. It covers the OpenAPI specification and Swagger section in this course.

Sacramento API workshop

For a longer (and older) video, here’s a recording from a 4-hour workshop I gave to the STC Sacramento chapter. More details about the workshop are here.

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